Network Observability

True Network Observability can only be achieved using metadata from your entire infrastructure including cloud.

Avoid business disruption due to outages or cyber compromise

You know it is difficult to visualise your entire IT environment. It is complex if you are a large enterprise. VIAVI is making enormous strides in bridging the network observability gap across the hybrid environment you maintain or secure. There is power in having all your transactions saved over a long period as metadata. Information after all, is power!

See the introduction below.

See your enterprise wide SDWAN, VPN, NAT, Load Balancers, virtual & cloud environment like never before. For troubleshooting and threat hunting there nothing to beat VIAVI Observer platform including APEX, GigaFlow & GigaStor. Note that the Observer platform now includes Observer Sentry for Continuous Threat Exposure Management in the cloud (CTEM).

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