
Cyber Security Solutions

We distribute innovative and cutting edge firewall and network technologies to bring you best of breed security appliances.

Data Centre solutions

The Virtual Computing Platform is a software defined datacenter solution that consolidates the compute (server) tier and the storage tier into a single, integrated system that introduces resilience and redundancy while improving cost of ownership.

Network Test & Wifi Analysis

Network monitoring and management essentially has to deliver real value to the organisation. Application aware, Multi data import, 3-click analysis, collaboration of business units in order to experience business value of IT.

Network Monitoring & Management

Network monitoring and management essentially has to deliver real value to the organisation. Application aware, Multi data import, 3-click analysis, collaboration of business units in order to experience business value of IT.

Cyber Security Services

Bitrate’s Cyber Security solutions cover several essentials. Cyber Security is not complete without staff training, monitoring, forensics, end point protection, perimeter security, data centre security, cloud security, DLP and more.

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