If you are looking for the right solution for maintaining peak Ethernet Network, Wireless LAN and Application Performance you may want to consider NMAP testing to your handheld network test requirements.
The award winning NetAlly EtherScope handheld network analyser includes Wifi Test, Survey, Network Discovery and problem resolution in a technology packed design fitting in the palm of your hand. It tests every aspect of your network including copper, PoE, Fibre, speed, connectivity, VLAN, Switch port giving you complete visibility of your entire network. However if cyber security is part of your portfolio you may want to look deeper…
So maybe NMAP Your Wifi Tester! If these specifications fit your requirements then you may want to consider adding NMAP with the New NetAlly CyberScope. A comprehensive handheld tool with penetration testing capability!
CyberScope is the world’s first handheld cyber security analyser, it has capabilities tailored to cybersecurity teams, enabling them to perform comprehensive site security assessment, analysis, and reporting. By tightly integrating Nmap with EtherScope features, CyberScope becomes the perfect solution for securing campus & site networks.
If you want to see more about the CyberScope…
Compare the CyberScope and Etherscope…. Click Here
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