Bitrate – We are proud to be nominated for this award from Ridge Security i

Thank you Ridge Security Technology Inc. for recognising BitRate (PTY) Ltd success with RidgeBot in Africa! Thank you to the team including Nick Mo, Lydia Zhang & Monserrat Enríquez ,also a big thanks to Dupreez Swart who has done many online demo’s of RidgeBot and helping enterprise improve their security posture.
Why RidgeBot? Ridge Security has changed penetration testing with RidgeBot™, a fully automated intelligent security validation robot. Your attackers are using robots against you, it only makes sense for you to use robots to test and secure your enterprise IT!
Are you concerned about your enterprise Cyber Readiness? Want to know more about RidgeBot? Please DM or email us!
PS. It is a pleasure working with the Ridge Security team, thank you!See more? – click below