Infrastructure Test
We aim to provide you with the tools you require to install effectively at a total cost of ownership that gives you the edge over your competitors.
Ethernet Cable TesterR7 000,00 VAT Excluded
Patch App & GoR6 800,00 VAT Excluded
Fibre Optic Inspection KitR21 800,00 VAT Excluded
FI-1000-kit Fiber Inspection Video ProbeProduct on saleR13 000,00 VAT Excluded
LRAT-3000 LinkRunner AT3000R49 100,00 VAT Excluded
LinkRunner LRAT-4000R81 800,00 VAT Excluded
FTTX Engineers KitR42 200,00 VAT Excluded
CYBERSCOPE-AIR-ER143 300,00 VAT Excluded
LR-G2 Netally (End of production) See LRAT-3000 or LRAT-4000R69 000,00 VAT Excluded
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Let us help you find the best solution for you and your company.